Public Input Opportunity for Pisgah View State Park Master Plan

The second public information meeting for the Pisgah View State Park Master Plan will be held Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Upper Hominy Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department, 1795 Pisgah Highway in Candler.

Members of the public are encouraged to drop in at any time and can expect to spend 20-30 minutes to review, discuss, and provide feedback on the proposed options for the development of the park.

The Master Plan will be a 20-year plan that covers the entire state park, spanning nearly 1,600 acres in Buncombe and Haywood counties, within Spring Mountain and the Southern Appalachian escarpment, an ecologically significant region.


Pisgah View is the 35th state park in the North Carolina state parks system and the 10th state park in the mountain region of the state.

Equinox Environmental in Asheville is working with the division and the public to develop the master plan, initially identifying the recreation, educational and conservation needs for the park. Stakeholder input is ongoing, and the open house-style public meeting is intended to draw feedback from the community.

The northern front country (Ranch) and southern front country (Bens Cove) access areas will have various camping, event space, day use, equestrian trails, hiking trails, and roadway alignment scenarios. Several conceptual plans will be presented for public comments and feedback. The third public meeting, which is expected to be held in spring 2024, will evaluate and synthesize the comments gathered at the first two meetings into a final plan for review.

A snow date for the meeting, if needed, will be Wednesday, March 6, 2024.

Those who cannot attend the public meeting can fill out a survey to provide feedback at

Written by N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.