Bridge Repairs Begin at Carl Sandburg Home NHS Around Front Lake

Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site is currently repairing the Front Lake bridge. This work will involve a closure of this bridge and a detour around Front Lake to walk into the park.

Repairs are expected to last until Monday, December 20, depending on weather.

Front Lake Bridge
Work will begin with the Front Lake Bridge, a large white bridge, near the Front Lake restrooms. To access park buildings, restrooms, and all trails, visitors will be directed to walk around Front Lake. This detour will add a 0.4 mile walk to access the park.


Other Parking Options
Visitors may use the 24-space gravel hikers’ parking lot located 0.5 mile from the Front Lake parking lot on Little River Road. From the hikers’ lot, it is a 0.4 mile level walk to access park buildings, restrooms, and hiking trails. Directions to the hikers’ lot can be found on a sign in the main parking lot, or on the park website at

Those needing accessible parking should call 828-707-8125 upon arrival to the park. Limited parking or a park shuttle may be available.

Park grounds and trails are open sunrise to sunset. The park store and visitor information area are open Friday through Sunday, from 11 am to 2 pm, in the garage behind the Sandburg Home. Outdoor access to the goats (in the barnyard and goat pasture) is from 10 am to 3pm daily. The Sandburg Home and house tours remain closed, due to ventilation concerns in the 83-year-old house.

To promote staff and visitors’ safety, masks are required in all NPS buildings and on all forms of enclosed public transportation, regardless of location or vaccination status. Additionally, masks must be worn in outdoor spaces where physical distancing cannot be maintained.

Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site, located in Flat Rock, NC, is open from 9 am to 5 pm daily, except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Due to COVID-19, some visitor services are limited. For park updates and all parking options visit