Erwin High School Announces COVID-19 Cluster

Buncombe County Health and Human Services (BCHHS), in conjunction with Buncombe County Schools (BCS), has identified seven lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 associated with Erwin High School.

These seven cases are linked which classifies them as a cluster per the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS). A “cluster” is defined as five or more plausibly linked cases over a 14-day period.

The process of contact tracing was performed through BCHHS and all school-related close contacts have been identified and notified individually and given further guidance regarding testing and quarantine. Due to privacy requirements, officials cannot release the names of the individuals or details that may identify them.


The areas related to these cases have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Operations at Erwin High will continue as usual, and BCS will keep you apprised of further updates.

This cluster is posted on the NCDHHS COVID-19 Ongoing Clusters in Child Care and School Settings Report.

BCS will adhere to all public health guidance and recommendations to keep our staff and students safe. Furthermore, BCS needs staff, students, and the school community to do their part at school and at home to follow the 3 Ws: wait 6 feet apart and maintain physical distance from others outside of their household, wear face coverings, and wash/sanitize hands often.

Anyone who is concerned that they may have COVID-19 should get tested. You can contact your primary care provider or the Buncombe County Ready Team at (828) 419-0095 for testing. For information on testing and vaccination in Buncombe County, visit

Prepared by Buncombe County.