Uncommon Market to Reopen in River Arts District on Aug. 30th

Uncommon Market Asheville will open their next market on August 30th at a new location at the Foundation in the River Arts District (RAD), 1 Foundy Street.

Uncommon Market is one of Asheville’s largest markets. It will open its 6th season with a gathering of quality curators of antiques, vintage décor, art, jewelry, and home furnishings.

The upcoming market dates are August 30th, September 27th, and October 25, and each will run from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission is free and friendly dogs are welcome!


Coffee, beer, wine and food will be available. While you’re in the area check out the over 200 artists in the 22 buildings that comprise the RAD.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, please adhere to the 3 Ws: Where a mask, Wait 6 feet apart and Wash your hands frequently. Washing stations will be onsite.

Visit the Facebook event page for additional information.