NC 211 has handled more than 100,000 calls and emails since being activated as part of the state’s response to COVID-19 on March 18th – twice as many as the same time frame last year.
Call number 100,000 came in at 1:27PM on Friday, August 21st. Caller number 100,000 shared a similar story as have thousands of other callers to 2-1-1. The caller lost their job because of COVID-19 and needed help paying overdue utility bills. The NC 211 call specialist was able to provide them with referrals to two local agencies helping with emergency relief funds.
“We are so proud of the NC 211 team,” says Heather Black, NC 211 State Director. “Not only have they worked tirelessly to handle more than 100,000 calls and emails, but they have done it all while working remotely. The individual who called Friday afternoon shared a story we are hearing from so many callers. Housing, utilities payments, and food assistance remain as the top needs of callers during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Due to COVID-19, more people are experiencing job loss, childcare concerns, and other challenges. To make resources more accessible, NC 211 launched a new website in August 2020, with an updated search tool and information resources.
The website’s user-friendly design makes it easier for North Carolinians to access NC 211’s robust database of resources. The site offers an online search of local resources, COVID-19 caller need dashboard and other reliable data sources, e-Library and a section for community agencies.
Users can locate relevant services in their county by entering key search terms and their zip code into the online search tool. NC 211’s trusted and verified database contains thousands of services and programs throughout North Carolina. The e-Library provides more detailed information based on the top needs of callers, including eligibility requirements, application procedures, and more.
“Our goal is to make finding help easy. In addition to dialing 2-1-1 to speak with a call specialist, North Carolinians can visit our website to learn more about what’s available in their community.” says Heather Black.
During this period of stress and anxiety, NC 211 seeks to eliminate barriers and connect people with new and existing resources that will meet their needs.
“The website is not only useful for individuals seeking support, but also for agencies who provide services,” said Black. “We encourage agencies to complete our online application to be included in the NC 211 database.”
Visit to learn more about NC 211, find help in North Carolina, or apply for inclusion in the database.