Pandemic of Love is a grassroots organization that is run completely on volunteer efforts. Its objective is to create a mutual aid community of care that connects people in need with patrons (donors) who are able to assist in that need.
It is a tangible way for people to give quickly, discretely, and directly. What makes Pandemic of Love different from other organizations is that they help create opportunities for human connection. They see that in a time of great uncertainty and disconnect the needs of the people is not limited to only material or monetary but also the needs of the heart and connection.
To be a part of Pandemic of Love whether you are a giver, receiver, or volunteer, there is absolutely no catch! The goal is simply to encourage a community of kind people being introduced to other kind people that results in acts of kindness and human connection.
Pandemic of Love is a nationwide organization and has a chapter in Asheville (#PandemicofloveAVL) that is run by five local volunteers.
Up until recently, the Asheville chapter has had the same number of those committing to assist as they have had those requesting assistance. However, they now have LONG list of Asheville residents requesting help and are in desperate need to get the word out and attract additional people who would be willing to provide help.
To give, receive, or volunteer, please visit