Center for Craft Receives $100,000 Matching Challenge to Support the Building the Future for Craft Campaign

The Center for Craft has received a $100,000 matching challenge from Susan and Don Sherrill to support the Building a Future for Craft campaign, launched in 2017.

Since the purchase of the Center for Craft’s building in 2013, the organization has experienced significant growth, from 600 visitors in 2012 to 10,420 visitors in the new building the first year. To fortify the organization’s programmatic offerings and restore a 21st century facility to accommodate the visiting public, the Center for Craft has embarked on the Building a Future for Craft campaign to raise $11 million.

The fundraising campaign will fortify the center’s core public programming, transform its historic 1912 structure into a National Craft Innovation Hub, and establish an ongoing legacy of funding for emerging craft artists and scholars through the organization’s first endowment gift of $5.7 million from the Windgate Foundation.


The Sherrills’ gift challenges other donors to make campaign donations honoring the preeminent craft artist and past board president, Michael Sherrill, with a named space in the renovated 1912 building. Named the Michael Sherrill Loft, the lecture hall on the third-floor mezzanine will convene visitors and host programming when the fully renovated building reopens later this fall.

“At a recent visit to Michael’s one-man show at the Mint Museum I realized the extent of his artistic contributions to the world, but I’ve known for years of his many contributions to the Center for Craft,” said Don Sherrill. “Susan and I are delighted to honor Michael’s legacy at an organization that is dear to him, and we hope the gift inspires others to join.”

Under Michael Sherrill’s presidency, the Center for Craft became a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, independent of the University of North Carolina System. In 2013, the organization purchased outright its 1912 historic home in downtown Asheville to provide fellowships, grants, and opportunities for emerging artists and curators.

“Artists require a strong network of organizations and collectors to encourage them on their path,” said Michael Sherrill. “But the fellowships, grants, and exhibition opportunities the Center provides are vital to their successful launch.” As an artist, Sherrill is known for his soulful works in porcelain, clay, glass, and other materials. The Michael Sherrill Retrospective will travel to the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s Renwick Gallery in Washington, D.C., to open this summer.

The gifts to the Building a Future for Craft campaign will be used to renovate the historic structure to create a 21st-century cultural destination, establish a fully endowed fellowship and grant program for emerging talent, and fortify core programming. The Susan and Don Sherrill challenge gift, upon the successful match, will bring the campaign to 93% of its $11 million goal. For more information visit