Hickory Nut Gap Farm Kicks Off Spooky Corn Maze on Oct. 20

As children are picking out their costumes and getting ready for an evening of trick-or-treating, Hickory Nut Gap Farm is preparing a pre-festival to get spirits primed for the big night. The annual Spooky Corn Maze kicks off on Saturday, October 20 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the farm.

The evening begins with a haunted trek through the corn maze where student volunteers from the Asheville Academy Middle School for Girls, plus other local teens, will be hiding around corners ready to send chills down the spine of daring spectators.

Beginning at 8:00 pm, there will be a costume parade around the Big Barn where all attendees will receive an awesome goody bag full of local treats. Following the parade, a family-friendly dance party will ensue on the dance floor until 9:00 pm.


To set a festive fall mood, there will be a bonfire blazing next to the barn with s’mores, snacks, and drinks available throughout the evening.

Cost to attend is $9 per person (ages 5+ and ages 4 and under can attend for free).