Four local experts on North Carolina’s environment and energy policy will meet in the Asheville High School auditorium to debate the resolution “Fracking should be abolished in the state of North Carolina.”
The debate will run from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm on Friday, March 3rd. The event is free, and the public is invited.
Speaking on the panel will be Representative John Ager, Senator Jim Davis, and Julie Mayfield (with another speaker to be finalized).
The formally structured debate is sponsored by the Asheville High/SILSA Speech & Debate Team. Audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions of the participants at the end of the debate. Elizabeth Propst, a student at Asheville High School, will serve as moderator, and student members of the Asheville High/SILSA Speech & Debate Team will act as timekeepers. Concessions will be sold at the event, and proceeds will go to the team.
The Asheville High / SILSA Speech and Debate Team competes in speech and debate tournaments throughout the state and nation. Over the last 8 years, the team is number one overall in the Harvard National Cumulative Rankings for the Congressional Debate event. The goal of the Asheville HIgh / SILSA Speech and Debate Team is to provide a public forum for meaningful, thoughtful, and organized discussion of important community issues in an inclusive and respectful manner.