UNC Asheville Presents Dance Performances at Belk Theatre

The UNC Asheville Dance Program will present two performances of the Fall Dance Sharing on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 1-2, with both shows starting at 7:00 pm in Belk Theatre on campus.

These performances are free and open to everyone.

The Fall Dance Sharing will feature works by UNC Asheville faculty and students, and by visiting artists. Presented as theater-in-the-round, these performances will also showcase technical work in lighting and staging by UNC Asheville drama students.


“Belk Theatre provides an intimate setting and we are excited to present choreography that will cross boundaries of the many aesthetic streams and traditions manifest in contemporary dance,” said UNC Asheville Dance Program Director and Assistant Professor Celia Bambara.

For more information about UNC Asheville’s Dance Program, visit dance.unca.edu.

(Image: UNC Asheville.)