If you are a homeowner experiencing black bear activity on your property, the Urban/Suburban Black Bear Study would like to speak with you!
Our project is a collaborative venture between North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. We are seeking permission from homeowners to live- trap bears on properties in the Asheville area. Our research is intended to gather information about black bear biology in urban environments. By examining the movements, activities, reproduction, and survival of these urban bears, we can use the results to provide useful management options for bears in Asheville and other urban areas.
Please note that bears will be released unharmed and on-site; they will not be relocated.
If you are interested in having a bear trap placed on your property, please contact:
Nick Gould, Project Lead
Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources
Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27613
[email protected]
(970) 988-2102
Jennifer Strules, Project Biologist
Asheville, NC
[email protected]
(413) 663-0720
Visit our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/urbanbearstudy.