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Asheville Local News
Local news for Asheville, North Carolina and the surrounding Western North Carolina communities. Includes coverage on the Biltmore, Asheville Tourists, local beer, and local food.
As it inches toward its billion-dollar I-26 Connector project, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has trumpeted its efforts to keep costs down, including $125 million in cuts it recently announced.
Once again, Bertie finds himself suffering the slings and arrows of misfortune at the hands of his relatives, caught between his fierce Aunt Agatha, his plaintive cousin Egbert, a saucy jazz singer, and his future father-in-law.
In the summer of 2025, a new cohort of UNC Asheville students will spend time interning at twenty local agencies or nonprofit organizations that serve rural North Carolinians.
As the 2025 tax filing season continues, the Internal Revenue Service encourages taxpayers to make essential preparations and be aware of significant changes that may affect their 2024 tax returns.
Honey bees play an important role in Buncombe County’s environment and North Carolina’s economy. Honey bees add millions of dollars statewide to the value of fruit, vegetable and seed crops.
Asheville Junior Theater is thrilled to announce its 2025 lineup of summer camps, offering young performers the opportunity to explore acting, singing, and dancing in a fun and supportive environment.
An estimated 500 people came out in freezing temperatures on Feb. 17 in Asheville’s Pack Square to protest a losing Republican candidate’s attempts to disqualify more than 65,000 votes statewide — including more than 2,000 in Buncombe County.