We need volunteers to make our dance happen Please go to oldfarmersball.com and sign up to help – and you can dance for free!
Early Host (Board members preferred)
- Arrive by 7pm
- Greet the sound tech, band, and caller
- Count money
- Complete pay-out sheet
- Supervise volunteers
- Time commitment: 30 – 60 minutes
Benefits: Dance free the same night
- Arrive by 7pm
- Check in with Early Host
- Sweep the hall
- Set up chairs
- Clean / stock bathrooms
- Time commitment: 15 – 20 minutes
Benefits: Dance free the same night
Door Person
- Arrive by 7pm
- Check in with Early Host
- Work when needed to take money at the door
- Alternate with other Door People and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances
- Slots available: 2
- Time commitment: goes until break
Benefits: Dance free one whole night
- Arrive by 9:15pm
- Check in with Late Host
- Fold and store chairs and tables
- Sweep the floors
- Empty and take out trash
- Confirm completion of tasks with Late Host
- Time commitment: 15 – 20 minutes
Benefits: Dance free the same night
Late Host (Board members preferred)
- Arrive by 9pm (unless other arrangements have been made with Early Host)
- Complete payout
- Supervise Closers
- Close the hall
- Slots available: 1
- Time commitment: 10 – 15 minutes
Benefits: Dance free the same night
Upcoming Dances |
Three dances in July will be hosted by Swannanoa Gathering July 4, July 18 and July 25 The July 18 dance will be a special Ceilidh Dance. A reminder – We are NOT dancing on Aug 1 and 8 Be sure and save the date for our NYE dance
OFB Schedule |