Volunteer at Our VOICE

Fri, Mar 22, 2024
This event has already occurred.
Our Voice
35 Woodfin St, Asheville, NC 28801, USA
Our Voice

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Our greatest need is for advocates who provide emotional support on our 24/7 crisis line and offer hospital accompaniment to survivors of recent assaults. Once volunteers have completed the 20-hour required training, they can sign up for on-call shifts. Volunteers are always on-call with a staff member as backup. In order to protect advocate privacy Our Voice utilizes a call service which routes calls to your personal phone so you can be at home during your shift. Before filling out the application please read over the volunteer advocate position description.

Be a minimum of 18 years old

Have reliable transportation

Have a reliable cell phone

Have reliable internet/email

Take crisis line calls during assigned shifts

Assist callers in crisis and provide clients with appropriate referrals to Our Voice services or other community agencies.

Go to the hospital with survivors after a sexual assault

Respond to hospital accompaniment calls within 30 minutes and provide all survivors of sexual assault information regarding options and procedures.

Take a minimum of 2 shifts each month

Volunteers will be able to sign up for shifts through the schedule on our online portal. Shifts are weekdays 5pm-8am and weekends/holidays 8am-8pm or 8pm-8am.

Participate in continued education at least once a year

Continued education trainings will be offered twice a year and advertised through email and our online portal.

Complete a 20 hour advocate training prior to taking shifts

This training is a requirement in order to maintain advocate privilege. We ask volunteers to commit to a minimum of 6 months on the crisis line following training.