St. Patrick’s Day Weekend

Sun, Mar 17, 2024
This event has already occurred.
63 N Lexington Ave, White Plains, NY 10601, USA

Enter if ye dare into the realm of DSSOLVR’s “St. Patrick’s Nightmare” Get Lucked Up All Weekend with a spine-chilling St. Patrick’s Day weekend bash! From March 15th to 17th, Prepare yourself for all things GREEN!!!

Quench thy thirst with our brand new emerald brew “Really Lucked Up” Lucky Charms Gluten-Free Sour. Indulge in a “Thank You for Being Green” Kolsch or Shamrock Shake made with Vegan Ice Cream that will send shivers down thy spine and joy down thy gullet! Lucky Green Jello Shots abound! Plus! $4 Cask Pints of “Full Loop” Dry Irish Stout all weekend long.

Don thy green attire, summon thy friends, and join us for a weekend of luck and revelry.