Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers

Sat, Dec 2, 2023
This event has already occurred.
various locations
Old Farmers Balll

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.