MANNA LIVE! Get Cookin’ with MANNA + Friends

Fri, Mar 25, 2022
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
This event has already occurred.
Manna FoodBank
Get Cookin’ with MANNA & Friends
MANNA FoodBank is pleased to announce the second installment of “MANNA LIVE!” This series of live stream events is taking place across MANNA’s social media channels throughout 2022, and focuses on different topics related to the food bank’s daily work across 16 counties of WNC, including the Qualla Boundary.
On Friday, March 25th, join us on our FacebookYouTube, or Twitter channels for “Get Cookin’ with MANNA + Friends!” This second event in the 2022 “MANNA LIVE!” series will be live cooking demonstrations in partnership with chefs from our food distribution partners: Chef Neil Ravenna from Haywood Pathways, and Chef Jenna Kranz from The Uncomplicated Kitchen, as well as a special cooking demonstration with Matt Parris, founder and CEO of at Roots Hummus, our live stream sponsor! We will be highlighting these cooking demos as part of National Nutrition Month’s theme, “A World of Flavor.”
“Get Cookin’ with MANNA + Friends” will take place on Friday, March 25th at noon and will be approximately forty-five minutes.
To stay up-to-date with all “MANNA LIVE!” events, and to connect with us on social media, find and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitter and YouTube.