Join the ASPCA, Asheville Humane Society and Brother Wolf Animal Rescue on May 10th for another successful free microchipping event at the ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance! From 9:00 am-12:00pm, cats and dogs will receive free microchips and pet owners can receive valuable resources to ensure the safety of their pets.
Please register in advance at the following link:…/f4e304dd-8a36-4935-a4b2…. Walk-ins will be accepted based on availability. Each furry friend will receive a tag for their collar/harness featuring a QR code, enabling swift reunification with their owner in case they go missing.
With Memorial Day and the summer season approaching, the risk of pets going missing increases. Barbecues, open windows, people coming in and out of the house, and loud fireworks can lead to pets getting lost. A microchip ensures that should you need it, your pet will be easily recognized, and reunification will be streamlined, avoiding the shelter altogether.
*please make sure you have a leash for your dog and a carrier for your cat.