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By: Michael Carleton, Jim FitzGerald, and John K. Alvarez
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.
Director: Jonathan Forrester
Approximate Run Time: 2 hours
Rating: PG due to mild language and the truth about Santa
Instead of performing Charles Dickens’ beloved holiday classic for the umpteenth time, three actors decide to perform every Christmas story ever told – plus Christmas traditions from around the world, seasonal icons from ancient times to topical pop-culture, and every carol ever sung. Part vaudeville and part Complete Works of William Shakespeare…Abridged, Every Christmas Story Ever Told is a fast, furious, and slightly irreverent look at holiday traditions. Santa Claus, Rudolph, the Grinch, and just about every other seasonal character, make an appearance in this racy comedy that will have you laughing all the way to the New Year!