The City of Asheville’s Community and Economic Development (CED) Department is now accepting applications for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME, “Home Investment Partnerships Program” program. The application process opened December 17 and closes at noon February 4, 2022.
CDBG and the HOME are federal grant programs through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that provide grant funds for eligible projects that serve low- and moderate-income residents, eliminate slums and blight, and create decent affordable housing for low-income households.
For more information on how to submit the letter of intent, how to apply for funding, as well as guidance on how to submit questions, please visit the Community Development HUD Programs and Reports webpage. If you need assistance with your application, please email [email protected]. Once the email has been received, a staff member will schedule time with your organization to provide technical assistance. Applicants are strongly encouraged to begin the application process early to allow ample time to troubleshoot any potential issues.
For more information, please visit the City’s webpage for CDBG and HOME applications.