This Christmas Season marks our fifth year for our wonderful partnership with Barnes and Noble in Biltmore Park for their Annual Saint Nicholas Project Book Drive.
The books are given to every child as a bonus gift to the families as they begin shopping in the Ingles Toy Store on December 11th. Last year, more than 3,000 books were collected and given to delighted parents.
“Books open up worlds of learning, adventure, and fun, and kids who have books and read at home do better at school. Reading with children is a great way for families to spend time together, too! Donating books through the Barnes and Noble Saint Nicholas Project Book Drive gives children and families a great opportunity to experience all the marvels to be found between the covers of a book!”
Nancy McLean- Volunteer Coordinator for the Saint Nicholas Project and former retired teacher
When you are out shopping, stop by Barnes and Noble at Biltmore Park and pick up a few books for the Eblen Saint Nicholas Project / Ingles Toy Store and thank everyone there for their kindness and hard work that brings so much joy to so many this Christmas. We would love to be able to give each child a book again this year.