Asheville Parks + Recreation Youth Fall + Winter athletic programs + sports leagues

Thu, Oct 19, 2023
8:00 am
This event has already occurred.
Various Locations
Jay Houston
(828) 259-5611

Flag Football, $15 per player

Registration ends August 30, games begin September 9

Teams divided by ages 6-8, 9-10, 11-12, and 14-16 practice drills for 30 minutes prior to weekly games with two 20 minute halves at Asheville Middle School on 211 South French Broad Avenue.

Softball Clinic, $10 per player

Registration ends September 3, clinics begin September 11

Instructional five-week clinic with divisions for 6-8, 9-10, and 11-12 year-olds teaches fundamentals through drills and scrimmages at Asheville Middle School on 211 South French Broad Avenue with the intent of building a youth softball program in the future.

Youth Archery Class, $25 per archer

Registration ends October 10, class held each Thursday from October 26-November 16

This introductory course teaches individuals 9-12 years-old range safety and proper shooting techniques.

Winter Basketball League, $35 per player

Registration ends October 31, evaluations begin November 6

Age divisions include 5-6 (instructional), 9-10, 11-12, and 13-15.

Fling the Fletch Junior Disc Golf Open, $5 for beginner and $20 for advanced competitive

A local pro teaches a clinic followed by a nine-hole family fun tournament for beginners ages 8-18 and an 18-hole competitive round for advanced players ages 12-16.

Turkey Tee Off Family Mini Golf Tournament, free

Registration ends November 10, tournament on November 18

Enjoy friendly competition with friends and family at Lakeview Putt and Play on 2245 Hendersonville Road.