2024 Property Tax Listing Period Notice

Sat, Dec 16, 2023
This event has already occurred.
Property Assessment office
(828) 250-4920.

Property Tax Listing forms must be completed and returned by
5 p.m. on January 31, 2024 to avoid late listing penalty.

Notice is hereby given, that all persons who own personal or business property subject to taxation in Buncombe County on January 1, 2024, must list such property no later than January 31, 2024. Any person who fails to do so will be subject to penalties prescribed by law. Per North Carolina General Statute 105-296(c), the regular listing period is January 1 through January 31. If the regular listing period begins or ends on a day other than a business day, the period for such filing shall be extended through the next business day.

The listing period for 2024 will begin Tuesday, January 2, 2024, and end Friday, January 31, 2024, at 5 p.m. Listing forms will be mailed in December 2023 to persons or businesses who have requested a listing form or filed a listing last year. Download a listing form at buncombecounty.org/propertyassessment or contact the Property Assessment office at (828) 250-4920.

Real Property

*All persons who own real estate must list any new additions, changes, or deletions that have been made since January 1, 2023. Please contact the Property Assessment office at (828) 250-4940.

*According to the North Carolina General Statutes, all property that is not defined or taxed as “real estate” or “real property” is considered to be “personal property.”

Personal Property

*All persons who own personal property such as un-tagged motor vehicles, permanently tagged trailers, manufactured homes, boats and boat motors, airplanes, rental personal property or farm machinery used for income purposes, must file a listing form annually. Download a listing form at buncombecounty.org/personallistingform.

Business Personal Property

*Business personal property is taxable whether it is owned, leased, rented, loaned, or otherwise made available to the business.

*All businesses are required to file a business personal property listing form annually during the listing period stated above, which includes: machinery and equipment; furniture and fixtures; computers; improvements to leased property; manufactured homes; aircraft; international registration plan (IRP) plated vehicles, supplies, etc. used in connection with the business. Download a listing form at buncombecounty.org/businesslistingform. This also includes all furnishings within a dwelling that is used as a long- or short-term rental. Download a Rental Listing form at buncombecounty.org/rentallistingform.


*Listing extensions may be granted on request and for good cause shown.  Extensions must be requested no later than January 31, 2024. Request an extension at businessextensions.buncombecounty.org. If you are a new businesses that has not listed before, email [email protected] to request an extension prior to January 31, 2024.

*Extensions cannot be granted beyond March 15, 2024. If you are a new business for 2024, and have not filed a previous listing form, please contact our office for information at (828) 250-4930.

Tax Relief

*Property tax relief may be available for Veterans, anyone 65 and older, or anyone permanently disabled under NCGS 105-277.1. Call (828) 250-4915 to see if you qualify or download an application at buncombecounty.org/taxrelief.

Reminder: Listing forms will be accepted January 2-31, 2024. Property Assessment is located at 155 Hilliard Ave, Asheville, NC 28801, and is open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. except for holidays. Call (828) 250-4920 for more information. Instructions and forms are available at: buncombecounty.org/propertyassessment.

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