17th Annual ATHENA Leadership Award Nominations Now Being Accepted

Tue, Dec 12, 2023
This event has already occurred.
Henderson County Chamber of Commerce
(828) 692-1413
The Henderson County Chamber of Commerce, UNC Health Pardee, Optimum, and Hunter Automotive are pleased to announce the 17th Annual ATHENA Leadership Award in Henderson County in memory of Vanessa Y. Mintz. Nominations are now being accepted for the ATHENA Leadership Award, which will be presented at the Professional Women’s Luncheon in April to an exemplary leader who has achieved excellence in their business or profession, served the community in a meaningful way, and, most importantly, actively assisted women to achieve their full leadership potential.


Vanessa Y. Mintz brought the ATHENA award to Henderson County in 2008 and she embodied the values underlying ATHENA International’s philosophy of incorporating the talent and expertise of women into the leadership of our businesses, our communities, and our government. Reflective of a quote attributed to Plato, “What is honored in a country will be cultivated there”, the ATHENA Leadership Award honors and illuminates the leaders and leadership styles of individuals others would emulate.

The program is facilitated locally by the Henderson County Chamber of Commerce, a licensed ATHENA host organization. Nominations are sought throughout the community. Recipients are selected by a diverse group of out-of-town professional judges, based on Athena leadership criteria.

ATHENA Leadership Award Recipients hail from all professional sectors. The award’s rich history, international scope, and emphasis on mentorship make this award unique and amongst the most prestigious leadership awards one can receive. Past Henderson County ATHENA Recipients Include:

  • Julie Huneycutt, Hope Coalition (2023)
  • Adriana Chavela, Hola Carolina (2022)
  • Kathy Streeter Morgan, Henderson County Emergency Management (2021)
  • Barbara Volk, City of Hendersonville (2020)
  • Barb Morgan, Project Dignity of WNC (2019)
  • Lee Henderson Hill, Community Foundation of Henderson County (2018)
  • Roxanna Pepper, Children & Family Resource Center (2017)
  • Judy Stroud, State Farm Insurance (2016)
  • Judith Long, Free Clinics (2015)
  • Caroline Long, St. Gerard House (2014)
  • Annie Fritschner, First United Methodist Church (2013)
  • Myra Grant, Pardee Hospital Foundation (2012)
  • Joyce Mason, Four Seasons Compassion for Life (2011)
  • Pat Shepherd, Pat’s School of Dance (2010)
  • Ragan Ward, Carolina Alliance Bank (2009)
  • Robin Reed, Bares It All (2008)
ATHENA Leadership Award Recipients are presented a hand-cast, bronzed and crystal sculpture that symbolizes the strength, courage, and wisdom of ATHENA Recipients.
Nomination Form