Complementary medicine is used together with mainstream medical care. An example is using acupuncture to help with side effects of cancer treatment. When health care providers and facilities offer both types of care, it is called integrative medicine. Alternative medicine is used instead of mainstream medical care.
Alternative Health Care Providers
Asheville has been a leading hub for complementary, alternative, and integrative health for decades. The field's popularity grows every year and nearly a third of adults report using these medicines each year. is here to help you navigate the area's alternative health choices.
Sensibilities has created a warm, serene environment in which to shop and experience wonderful spa services. The carefully selected bath/body products, fountains, aromatherapy candles and more will help you extend the spa experience to your home.
Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville is a membership-based medical practice. They are part of a national movement pioneering a better way to deliver primary care. Your membership restores the relationship with your provider and removes the obstacles to personalized care.