The Easy Way to a Greener, Healthier Yard

Our yards are our outdoor homes: fun, beautiful, great spaces for relaxing. By taking care of our lawns and gardens properly, we can save money, time, and help the environment.

GreenScaping encompasses a set of landscaping practices that can improve the health and appearance of your lawn and garden while protecting and preserving natural resources.

By simply changing your landscape to a GreenScape, over time you can save time and money and protect the environment.

  • Save Money by eliminating unnecessary water and chemical use
  • Save Time by landscaping with plants that require less care
  • Protect the Environment by:
    • Conserving water supplies
    • Using chemicals properly and only when necessary to keep waterways and drinking water clean
    • Reducing yard waste by recycling yard trimmings into free fertilizer and mulch

Put nature to work in your yard

In nature, soil recycles dead plants into nutrients for new plant growth. Plants are adapted to the water, sun and soil available in their site. Maintaining a wide variety of healthy plants, soil organisms, beneficial insects and animals can keep most pests and diseases in check.

By working with nature, you can have a great-looking yard that’s easier to care for, cheaper to maintain and healthier for families, pets, wildlife and the environment.

How? Start with these five steps:

  1. Build and maintain healthy soil
  2. Plant right for your site
  3. Practice smart watering
  4. Adopt a holistic approach to pest management
  5. Practice natural lawn care