Asheville Community Theatre Presents “Summer Soundtrack” on Aug. 19th

Enjoy a summer evening with some of your favorite hits from Broadway and beyond performed by talented youth in the community!

Summer Soundtrack stars Reed Atherton, Evan Brooks, Naimah “Nemo” Coleman, Henry Cowan, Fairly Hilliard, Simon Lane, Evan Oldenburg, Riley Oswald, Graham Podraza, and Ellsworth Sullivan. The show is directed by Marci Bernstein with music direction by Rob Blackwell and choreography by Naimah Coleman.

This performance is free to attend, but tickets should be reserved in advance. As a safety precaution, the theatre has reduced its seating capacity for this event to 150 people.


And due to forecast of thunderstorms, Summer Soundtrack will be held indoors at Asheville Community Theatre instead of at the Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre. The show is set to begin at 7:30 pm on Thursday, August 19.

Donations are greatly appreciated! For this event, Asheville Community Theatre has partnered with Arts For Life, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting pediatric patients and families through arts education and engagement. Your donation will support both ACT and Arts For Life!

Visit for additional information.