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It was this week, 25 years ago that we first came together to gather, share cultural experiences and build community at the majestic Lake Eden. We started as a local festival and have grown into an international nonprofit rooted in the belief that cultural exposure, proximity and equitable access can bring a community together. Our mission is to cultivate a thriving global community generated by the power of cultural CURIOSITY, CONNECTION, and PRESERVATION through global music and ARTS EDUCATION and experiences. That mission is always growing, never finished and we can’t do it without you.
While we won’t be able to come together in-person the way we have in the past, we are determined to keep the LEAF Love flowing strong! We are bringing back V-LEAF on October 23-25, 2020 for a weekend of virtual music, conversation, cultural arts and more! As you prepare for the next great digital LEAF experience, check out “the BEST 25 years of LEAF PLAYLIST” by Martin Anderson of WNCW and 20 year LEAF MC.