The Angel Pet Conference 2019 takes place in Asheville on Saturday, June 8, covering many topics on senior pet care needs, end-of-life care, caregiver support, and grief healing.
Important medical topics include senior animal needs and resources, assessing animal quality-of-life, explaining animal hospice and palliative care, covering the medical, practical, emotional considerations for pets at the end-of-life transition. Special focus is also on grief healing from pet loss for ourselves and family, which is often complex and under-addressed in our society.
Angel Pets Conference 2019:
- Saturday, June 8, 2019, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (Salon A)
- Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin Street, Asheville NC 28801
- Topics covering Senior pet care, end-of-life issues, grief support. Some professional CEs offered.
- Tickets $90-$125
“We all want to loving care for our pets during this time, but don’t always know how.” Understanding more about these areas will help us become better equipped to handle this critical time for our pets and ourselves. Being aware of the resources available can be tremendously helpful and healing. Tribute video will be played at end for attendees’ pets.
This is a seated, educational, ticketed event, ideal for pet parents and pet professionals. Some presentations offer CE credits.
The goal is to help us become more knowledgeable and comfortable in caring for our pets (and ourselves) during this difficult, but inevitable time in our pets’ lives.
Speakers include expert local area veterinarians Dr. Beth Marchitelli DVM (4PawsFarwell); Dr. Kasandra Garner, DVM (Animal Hospital of North Asheville); internationally recognized pet loss specialist Coleen Ellis, CT, CPLP (TwoHeartsPetLossCenter), and Dr. Angel Mitchell, DVM, Bonnie Brae Veterinary Hospital.
Conference schedule, program description, speaker bios, ticket information can be found on the event website at