RiverLink’s Name That Creek Poll Open Through Jan. 1st

If you have ever visited West Asheville Park off Vermont Avenue, you may have walked the wooded trail along Rhododendron Creek. This section of Rhododendron Creek was the site of a stream restoration that RiverLink spearheaded in 2011.

RiverLink’s work continues in this urban watershed through a Name that Creek campaign focused on a tributary of Rhododendron Creek that flows beside the playground in West Asheville Park. Many neighborhood kids (and dogs) have dipped their toes in this little nameless stream, so it was no surprise when creekside resident Sunny Carr reached out to RiverLink to give the stream a name. With her help, RiverLink has gathered suggested names from residents who live along the creek and now they need your help to choose one!

You may vote online. Voting closes on Jan. 1st. The winning name must be approved first by Asheville City Council and then goes on to the U.S. Board of Geographical Names for final approval. Stay tuned for a neighborhood celebration of the newly named stream in spring 2018.


RiverLink’s Name that Creek program fosters stewardship of our waterways by giving a name, and in turn an identity, of nameless streams throughout the French Broad River watershed while engaging local communities in the process. For more information about the Name that Creek program and other water quality initiatives, contact our Watershed Resources Manager Renee Fortner at [email protected] or 828-252-8474, ext. 14.