The City of Asheville is looking at opportunities to enhance safety and walkability downtown.
At the direction of City Council’s Public Safety Committee and with input from downtown stakeholders, City staff has worked with community partners and Wall Street businesses over the past year on a series of vehicular closures as one way to explore possibilities and better understand the feasibility and impacts of a vehicle-free street.
Wall Street was originally designed as a “shared street” with elements such as at-grade curbs, benches, bollards/posts and non-typical paving treatments to encourage slow vehicle speeds and create a safer environment for pedestrians. Now we are asking: Is it working? How can we make this unique street even better?
To gather community feedback, the City has launched a survey on Open City Hall Asheville. Community input will help inform staff recommendations to City Council on future use and enhancements to Wall Street. This survey will be open through Oct. 29.
Here is a link to the survey.
This press release is available on Asheville City Source.