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Eliada will host its third annual winter formal on the evening of Thursday, February 19th . Each year, this event is an eagerly anticipated opportunity for students in Eliada's care. According to Eliada CEO Mark Upright, "Students in non-traditional educational settings often miss out on many of the milestones of adolescence. Here at Eliada, we want to ensure our students are able to make the same kinds of memories as their peers in the public school environment. The winter formal is an important part of that." Eliada relies heavily on the community to help make the winter formal happen. Donations of formal wear, jewelry, hair and makeup services, food, decorations, and cash are needed. Anyone interested in making a donation to support the winter formal should contact Michelle Robinson at [email protected] or 828.254.5356 x 157. Donations can also be made online at About Eliada Home Eliada is a 106 year old non-profit agency serving North Carolina's children and families. Founded in 1903 by Dr. Lucius B. Compton as a home for women and children, Eliada's full service continuum includes NAEYC accredited Child Development Services (Pre School, After School, Summer Camp, More at Four); Residential and Day Treatment for children and adolescents; In Home services; Foster Care and Therapeutic Foster Care; and Therapeutic Recreation services. The agency enters its second century with pride, committed to the fulfillment of its mission statement: Helping Children Succeed. Visit for more information. (Images provided by Eliada.)