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Asheville.com community news
Biking and Walking Summit Planned for This Sunday

The biking and walking enthusiasts of Asheville and Buncombe County have a prime opportunity this weekend to listen to the latest community information on a number of issues, including a federal transportation bill called TEA-21. The meeting is planned for Sunday, March 30, 2003, at 3:30 PM in the Buncombe County Training Room on the corner of College and Oak streets.

The main issue for discussion is to make the community aware of "America Bikes," a collaborative effort of national leaders in the bicycle community, working for positive outcomes for bicycling and walking within the reauthorization of the federal transportation bill, TEA-21. This bill insures that a portion of the money spent on improvements to all new and improved highway projects include improving conditions for bicyclists and pedestrians. Bicyclists and pedestrians account for thirteen percent of national fatalities, yet less than one percent of federal funding is spent on making their trips safe ones.

Another item that will be introduced is a new state advocacy organization, the North Carolina Bicycle Alliance. Claire Herman, the executive director, will outline the goals of this new organization.

Additionally, meeting organizers will inform attendees of local plans and projects for improving bicycling and walking as well as reminding them of local events, such as Strive Not to Drive Week, scheduled for May 10-18 this year.

Those who are interested in attending the meeting are encouraged to come early and join in a short bike ride through town that is planned for 1 PM.

For more information, please call Claudia Nix at 828-274-2453, or email her at [email protected].

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