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asheville.com community news
Smith-McDowell House Museum to Host American Girl Plays at History Alive Festival May 26 - 27

Smith-McDowell House Museum will be hosting the 3nd annual History Alive Festival May 26 and 27, 2006. As a special feature this year, we will be performing the American Girl Plays.

The plays will take place throughout the two day weekend. On March 9, 2007 at 4 pm there will be an information session at the Smith-McDowell House Museum for all girls who are interested in participating in these plays. Parts are also available for boys too. For more information please contact Lisa Whitfield at 828-253-9231 or at [email protected].

History Alive is a free two day festival on the grounds of the Smith-McDowell House Museum. It includes Revolutionary through World War II re enactors, crafters, historic artisans, music, and a children�s area. The Smith-McDowell House Museum is a circa 1840 mansion and local history museum. The Museum is located at 283 Victoria Road on the campus of A-B Tech Community College in Asheville. For more information, call the Museum at 828-253-9231 or visit http://www.wnchistory.org/index.htm.

(Images provided by the Smith-McDowell House.)

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