Light Up Your Lives With Solar Energy

Asheville High Cougars are busy learning about solar energy and sharing that knowledge with others!

Please follow @AHSsolarCougars on instagram and twitter to learn about our efforts to increase the profile of solar energy in our school and community. There are daily updates.

How can you get involved and show your support?

  • Calling all AHS artists! Submit solar energy sticker designs to Ms. Duffer (room 304) before Thanksgiving break to get your design submitted in our solar sticker contest! The winning design gets printed on 500-1500 stickers by AHS Graphics!
  • Calling all Ashevillians! We want your #SolarPanelSelfie! Take a picture in front of a solar panel and send it to [email protected] We’re making a collage of our solar panel selfies to visually show our support and enthusiasm! Feel free to also upload your pics to social media, use the hashtags #SolarPanelSelfie #SolarSchoolsProject #AHSsolarCougars